barbarian – unit

starting charachater

This fearless warrior relies on his bulging muscles and striking mustache to wreak havoc in enemy villages. Release a horde of Barbarians and enjoy the mayhem!


offensive and defensive atributes


  • Large hordes of Barbarians are very effective as they will quickly destroy anything in their path. This is balanced by the fact that the Barbarians are not very effective under heavy fire from splash damaging buildings.
  • Barbarians, along with Archers, are normally used in swarms to defeat Barbarian King or the Archer Queen. This is because they are inexpensive, and take up the minimum amount of housing space and therefore can be deployed in large numbers; the fact that Hero attacks are single-target means that the Hero can only kill one of the swarming troops at a time.
  • Besides doing splash damage, the Mortar also knocks back any Barbarians it strikes by 2 tiles (sometimes this can even change the Barbarians’ target if it moves them closer to another building).


  • Barbarians are not too weak for Clan Castle troops as they have relatively high health and damage for single housing space troops. They are capable of soaking up a decent amount of damage, delaying attackers and allowing your fixed defenses to take care of the rest. Because their housing space is only 1, you will be able to have a large amount of them in your Clan Castle, making them more time consuming to lure out.
  • However, since the introduction of the Poison Spell, low-HP units such as the Barbarian are significantly less effective inside Clan Castles.

normal, now made super.

Super Barbarian info

Superior in health, power, speed and most importantly dreamy hair, the Super Barbarians are what regular Barbarians dream of becoming!

  • The Super Barbarian is a Super Troop based on the Barbarian. It can be unlocked by boosting the Barbarian when the Barbarian is upgraded to level 8 or higher.
  • Boosting the Barbarian requires 50,000 Dark Elixir and doing so allows the Barbarian to be boosted for 7 days. The level of Super Barbarian you obtain from the boost corresponds to the level of Barbarians you have.
  • The Super Barbarian is a melee unit with high damage per second and a good amount of hitpoints for its housing space. Additionally, its Rage ability allows it to have increased speed and damage for the first 8 seconds after it is deployed.